Born in Switzerland, Maja Hürst grew up in Cairo, Egypt, before returning to Zürich then on to Cologne.
She graduated from the University of Art and Design Zürich with a degree in visual arts and communication.
Her first mural dates back to 1998, when she created TIKA, the visual universe of Maja, in 2003 with her first drawings.
TIKATHEK is the archive of TIKA’s visual world, a play on words with Bibliothek, the german word for library.
Animals occur very often in her work, mainly the peacock. Here it was a puma and a colibri.
Using the colors of the building, she also integrated elements of the surrounding architecture to create a work that was in perfect harmony with the building.
in situ
Hotel Le Green (now Alaia Lodge) [Alt. 1500m],
photo: East End Yovth
Hotel Le Green (now Alaia Lodge) [Alt. 1500m],
photo: East End Yovth